Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yes , We Will Be Apart

Pisah .

Pasangan mana sih yang mau pisah ?
Apalagi pisahnya sampe pisah negara segala .

No couple would ever wants that .

Including me and my boyfriend .

When I got this scholarship , I was so thrilled and I still am .
But lately , it just bites even harder .
And suddenly I found myself staring at a very limited amount of time ahead .

I will be going on September 1st .
It is soon .

Nangis ?
Jangan ditanya .

Ngebayangin tanpa temen .
Tanpa keluarga .

Even worse , tanpa Satria .
He's my bestfriend in the world .
No one knew me better than him .
Listen to my every story .
Cheer me up every time I got beaten up .

He's anything and everything that matter the most .
How could I ever be apart from him ??

Well , reality check .
I will be apart from him .

Is it hard ?
Damn right it is .

Meskipun masih barengan , tapi sakitnya udah mulai kerasa .
Gw takut . Gw ga pernah jauh sama dia .
Tapi , gimanapun reality bites hard .
Sakit , but I have to endure it .

I owe Satria a lot .
Bisa mengerti bahwa pacarnya harus pisah negara adalah hal yang sangat demanding .
Tapi seperti kata Michael Buble di lagunya Home :

And I know just why you could not come along with me . Cause this was not your dream , but you always believe in me .

That's why I think he's not just the best boyfriend ever .
He is the greatest friend who always believe in me .
No matter how bitchy , silly , and moody I am .

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