Thursday, September 03, 2009

I'm a Fish Out of Water


So here's the thing :


Big ? I know .

At first it was VERY VERY hard . Saying goodbye to everyone I know back home and can't see them for a year was absolutely a pain for me .

Gimana ya ? Gw ngakuin kalo gw adalah orang yang cengeng , tapi bukan berarti lemah . Nangis bukan berarti lemah (menurut gw) , itu cuma salah satu cara melegakan perasaan . Karena kalo gw nahan perasaan gw , asma gw akan dengan segera kambuh .

Anyway , as I get here , I was so happy because I have almost everything that I need to live for a year . Ada mesin cuci , microwave , ac , and hot water bath !! Thank God . Tapi banyak juga barang2 yang ga ada . Tempat sampah , kotak serbaguna , lap dsb musti gw beli lagi . Lumayan , belanja kayak gitu menghabiskan sekita 8000-an Yen (mencakup barang2 sehari2 juga kayak deterjen , beras , dsb) . Tapi tanpa barang2 itu , bisa2 kamar gw jorok dan gw tidak bisa ngurus kamar , so it was worth it .

Kampus belum mulai . Tnggal 9 baru orientasi segala macem , mulai kuliahnya tanggal 24 (ya Allah) . Jadi masih nyantai2 aja , oia gw juga lagi melancarkan lagi naik sepeda , semoga ga jatoh . Gw merasa asiiiiiing banget .

Gw emang orang yg SKSD , tapi kalo gw lagi pengen diem ya gw dieeeeeem aja . I hope no one got offended by that . Karena gw masih ngerasa homesick , jadi gw agak dalam kondisi bad mood . Tapi thank God , berkat skype dll gw masih bisa kontak sama keluarga dan terutama sama Satria .

I miss them so very much .

I guess being a fish out of water is the best describing my condition right now .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yes , We Will Be Apart

Pisah .

Pasangan mana sih yang mau pisah ?
Apalagi pisahnya sampe pisah negara segala .

No couple would ever wants that .

Including me and my boyfriend .

When I got this scholarship , I was so thrilled and I still am .
But lately , it just bites even harder .
And suddenly I found myself staring at a very limited amount of time ahead .

I will be going on September 1st .
It is soon .

Nangis ?
Jangan ditanya .

Ngebayangin tanpa temen .
Tanpa keluarga .

Even worse , tanpa Satria .
He's my bestfriend in the world .
No one knew me better than him .
Listen to my every story .
Cheer me up every time I got beaten up .

He's anything and everything that matter the most .
How could I ever be apart from him ??

Well , reality check .
I will be apart from him .

Is it hard ?
Damn right it is .

Meskipun masih barengan , tapi sakitnya udah mulai kerasa .
Gw takut . Gw ga pernah jauh sama dia .
Tapi , gimanapun reality bites hard .
Sakit , but I have to endure it .

I owe Satria a lot .
Bisa mengerti bahwa pacarnya harus pisah negara adalah hal yang sangat demanding .
Tapi seperti kata Michael Buble di lagunya Home :

And I know just why you could not come along with me . Cause this was not your dream , but you always believe in me .

That's why I think he's not just the best boyfriend ever .
He is the greatest friend who always believe in me .
No matter how bitchy , silly , and moody I am .

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Just Want To Talk

Kalian ,

Siapapun yang merasa menyakiti gw di masa lalu dan sekarang .
Yang menghirup udara yang sama dengan gw .
Yang membohongi gw dari hari ke hari .

Terserah lah gw mau dibilang berlebihan atau apapun .

But I do have the rights to know !!

I had enough of being yelled at everytime !
Gw itu manusia !!!
Punya perasaan , punya hati .
Emang dimarahin tiap waktu itu ga ada rasanya ?

Gw ga tuli !!!!
Ga perlu bentak-bentak .
Ga perlu sinis-sinis .

Sakit tau disinisin tuh .
Sakit tau dimarahin tuh .
Sakit tau dibentak-bentak tuh .

Lebih sakit lagi dibohongin .

Kalian pasti ga tau betapa jauh perjalanan yang harus gw tempuh untuk menjadi seseorang yang sober dan tau mau dibawa kemana hidup ini .

Padahal kalian busy with your own problem and
Yang kalo gw bisa , gw sunat sampe abis itu orang .

Di sisi lain , I was struggled to gain my life back .

Menghadapi kebohongongan2 , fights , eveything .

Bayangin being alone !!!
I can't talk to you anymore .

When I try to talk , you guys always busy with work .
Busy with Blackberry .
Busy with yourself .
And all u guys did was just yell at me the whole time .

Saat gw mulai merasakan damai .
Kenapa fakta yang ada malah nyakitin gw ?
Apa gw ga berhak buat merasa tenang ??

Apa salah gw kalo ada sesuatu yang salah dalam hidup kalian ??
Apa gw layak mendapatkan bentakan2 itu ??
Gw bukan batu !

Apa sih hal yang ga gw lakukan buat kalian ??

I will grow up myself .
No thanks to you .

And I hope you happy with your choice .
I certainly not .

Friday, July 17, 2009

I Heart Paris !!

I think Paris is amazing . Here's why :

The people are so darn stylish

couple can kiss EVERYWHERE . And I would love to actually try it without worrying that my parents will strangle me because of that .

do I even need to explain this pic ? It's gorgeous !!

The shoes is EFFING awesome !! Whoever got that shoes has been touched by the God of Fashion

Geez .
I need a new FAB shoes .
Pronto .

The Women From Concrete Jungle


I wish I can go to NY someday .

It's because the women is the so-called "glamazon" .
Woman who live the life of the concrete jungle .
Those who rules the urban cool life .

I'm so jealous .
Here I can even wear my heels without curious stare from people .
I just hate it when they do that .

Kalo gue pake high heels emang kenapa sih ?
Kenapa juga gitu yah musti ngeliatiiiin aja ??

I mean , fashion should be fun .
Not being a like a freak-show that require a stare or something .

Let those skanky fashion offenders BE GONE !!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Flats Anyone ??


First of all , let me tell you this :


Not because it's ugly or I'm too fancy to wear it . It's just I have a terrible toes and I'm pretty much short , so I don't get along very well with sandals .

Besides , I have a hard time to pull off a look with sandals .
In fact , I wear sandals ONLY when I go to the beach .
And wearing a really insane shorts .
Other than that , I will pass .

But these babies are delicious , rite ?
Especially the blue one .
It's so catchy and poppin'
I love it .
The design is quite awkward , which I love .
And the red nails really makes it POP !

So this summer sandals are really making a comeback .

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Kelas B-Quw Tersayang.......


Mungkin postingan ini kesannya ga penting......

Atau mungkin kerasa sok penting .
Yah intinya sih , jangan dihujat ya ! Curcol nih gw .

Pas gw liat foto ini , gw jadi berasa kangen ama kelas B .
Kelas yang bareng2 menjalani sulitnya kehidupan bermahasiswa selama 3 taon .
Kelas yang kalo gw cabut dengan senang hati dititipin absen (wakakak makasih ye) .
Kelas yang selalu rame kalo pelajaran Pak Ade .
Kelas dimana gw nemuin Bonbin PSBJ .

We've came a long way .
Udah jauh ya perjalanan sama kelas B .
Mungkin pas gw ketemu kalian lagi taon depan , udah ada yang mau lulus .
Mungkin udah ga sekelas lagi karena ada yang ngambil Lingu , ada juga yang ngambil Sastra .
Gak bisa gosip lagi sama Ryan .
Gak bisa beli pulsa dan pinjem majalah lagi sama Deisha .
Gak bisa lagi belajar bareng Vidi .
Gak bisa lagi pulang bareng Feby dan Dhinie .
Gak bisa lagi nitip absen ke Dara .
Gak bisa lagi minta minum ke Puput .
dan gak bisa-gak bisa lainnya .

Udah mau mewek gini gw hahahaha .


Ah sebodo deh .
Gw cuma pengen bilang TERIMA KASIH .

Terima kasih ya temen-temen....
Karena gw kadang ngesok .
Karena gw kadang toa .
Karena gw kadang sotoy .
Dan karena-karena lain yang bikin kalian pengen ngejitak gw pake martil .
Tapi kalian masih mau temenan sama gw . Masih mau maklumin gw .

I will be missing all of you .
Meskipun gw belum tentu juga jadi ke Jepang .
Tapi kalo emang jadi , kayaknya susah nemuin Kelas B di belantara Tenri sono hehehe .
Kalopun ga jadi , tetep aja pasti kita ada yang ga sekelas lagi .


Udah ah , gw mo mewek beneran .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers Hottie

Transformers 2 was HOT !!

And it wasn't just Megan Fox . But all of the robots .

They even got the pink autobots ! It's so cute .

Here's a few of the robots in Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen .

This one is Arcee . She's an autobot a.k.a the nice robot .

This is Ravage . It takes form of a tiger and unfortunately it's a decepticon . But I think it is the coolest looking decepticon in the movie .

So this the so-called The Fallen . His head reminds me of the Alien from Alien vs Predator .
He's worst than Megatron , I tell u that .

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fab Designers !!



These are the most fabulous designers around .
Especially Jason Wu and Alexander Wang .
Their collection is very cool yet wearable .

Marc Jacobs is such a genius when he create the Spicy Sandals for LV .
Yea , the one I blogged about .

The Rodarte sisters are AMAZING .

But my fave are still J.Wu and Alex Wang

My Last Holiday

So last Friday I went to Waterbom PIK with my mom , my sister , and my boyfriend .

It was SO MUCH fun because I am a water freak , and my boyfriend was like an opposite of moi ! So I thought it will be fun to drag him into the water since he freak about it .

But then , engga kayak gitu juga .
My boyfriend turned out to be IN LOVE with the water .
Kayaknya seneeeeeeeeng banget .

Trus gw diajakin naik Hairpin , wahana yg ngeluncur tinggi banget .
FYI , gw adalah orang yang AMAT SANGAT fear of height .
I'm such a dork in that particular phobia .

Tapi cowok gw adalah kebalikan dari gw . Dia sukaaaaaa banget main wahana itu .
Padahal muka gw uda pucet , lutut gemetaran , classic symptoms of phobia .

Gw kesian kalo cowok gw ga have fun cuma karena gw .
Makanya gw mengijinkan dia buat naik race track , sluncuran yang tingginya minta ampun .

So these are the pic :

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jail Outfit

About a month ago , I encountered some nice piece of jumpsuit in BTC .
It was an expensive-looking jumpsuit and the color gray was just LOVEABLE !

But when I try it on.....
Came the "Oh-My-Gawd" moment....
It was too long (coz I'm freaking short) and I end up looking like a prisoner in Guantanamo .


So today I check and look what I found :

It's cute , right ??

Well I guess only tall-skinny bitches who can wear these .

Eye Sore !!

I found this yesterday :


Those words are SO TRUE !

Maybe I am giving a damn way too much that makes some people actually fed up . But what's the sin from being nice to people ???

Oh well . Shit always happen ALL THE TIME !
Like today , I'm feeling some kind of soreness in my left eye .


That's right . It is a kind of a bummer . I have an eye sore . EWWWWW !!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tribal Chic !


I extremely adore these babies !!

If only I could wear this in my "planetary" campus .

Maybe I'll buy this in Japan .
Coz I know I can wear this without popping everyone's eyes in there .

It will look so cool with tights and black dress .

CAN'T WAIT to own it !!!

Grow Up , Brat !!!


Noisy .

Obnoxiously NOISY !
I knew that . That is just me .
But I'm not an ignorant person . Especially not to particular person who involved with me romantically .

I hate being noisy all the time , but how can I settle down if my significant other acts like a school kid when he supposed to be a 21 year old ?! GOD !
What a spoiled brat .

Just because your parents gave u everything , it does not mean I can take every crap u throw at me .

I wanna be the girl .
I wanna be someone whose being protected .
I wanna be someone whose being spoiled .

I'm tired reminding him every single time .
I just wanna be with a real guy .
Who understand that growing up is something that we chose .
Not something that comes with age .


I'm not your f***ing nanny for crying out loud !!!

I really hope he read this . I'm beyond tired talking about this .

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today was SUCKED !! With capital S !!! There were A LOT of drama and I was pretty much involved . First stop is.......
  • KEITAIRON !! I just don't get how that old hag think . EVERY SINGLE task that We've made is always wrong . And we have to revised it AGAIN AND AGAIN . What the hell is wrong with her ?!?!?! God , somebody please get her a neuro-surgeoun or something .
Second scene is.......
  • I had the worst menstrual cramp EVER !! And I had to drove all the way to Maranatha from Jatinangor . At first it was ok , but it got me in pain for at least 2,5 hours . I was vomiting , diarhea , and rolling like a sick cow . And I drank 2 Ponstan , 2 Biogesic (which eventually flushed out of me coz I was vomiting like kerrrazy) and 1 Sanmol . Each one of them is 500mg . NONE OF THOSE WORK !!! So what exactly cured me ?? A heating pad from my very fantabulous boyfriend !!

The last wreck is.......
  • FREAKING UGGGLY HAIR !! This morning I spent almost 1,5 hours just to get my hair did . It was awesome at first , but at the end of the day thanks to the radical dysmenorrhea and enourmous amount of rain , my hair looked like a dumpster rat . Geez....can't wait to go to Japan and get my hair done for GOOD . I don't even care about the money anymore .
Yes yes yes darlings.... I AM A DRAMA QUEEN . Thou perhaps some people can even understand my pain , but I am born with this kind of symptoms . I never regret it or hate it . I'm embracing it . So what if I really upset about bad hair day ?? For me , looking good and stylish is a way of life . So what is ur way of life ?? Tell me everything Ciao Bella ! (^3^) ps : oooohww geeez......I can't wait for this semester to end . My brain is about to explode !

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Camera !!!

If I really wanna be blog slut just like Bryan Boy , I better be ready with my camera


Off to bed now .



What a freakin' shame !!

Orang lain uda kemana tau ama yang namanya blog , eh gw malah baru mulai .

Whatever .
From now on , I will pledge myself into a world of blogilicious . Sounds yumm.....

Anyway , what will I tell u today ??
Ooohw yah , how come Sunday became eradically BORING ???

Abisnya mau kemana lagi ??
M2M (mall2mall) is blah .
Shopping ?? Geez...I nearly "burn" my plastics , and I feel VERY guilty about it .
No Project Runway !!! Aaaaaaarrrgggghhh
And my freakin' internet is fucked up today a.k.a LAMANYA MINTA MONYONG !!!

I'm so bored with all of my daily routine .
Especially everyday studies.....
I'm about to become BALD because of those freakin' lectures !!

I NEED A VACA........pronto !

Friday, March 13, 2009

First Timer.....LAME !!

Actually I write blog , but not here.....somewhere hehe .

So , for the first time I will post this :

UO at ShopStyle

Comment will be enticing (n_n)

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